Sunday, April 10, 2011

Review from Big D

Lots of good insight and memory material here which calls to mind a way of life long gone. Thank goodness in many way, not so much so in others. We wish we had the family values and experiences of this time, but not the outdoor privies, walking miles to school,(uphill both ways, no doubt). This book reminds those of us who were there, products of this time, what it was like and provides younger generations a chance to see what it was "really like" in "the good ole days." Some of it good, some of it not so good. A good editor could have made this an exceptional book. As it is, it is good, a warm hearted memoir of a time gone by. The chapters on strip mining and Appalachia idioms were exceptional, alone almost worth the price of the book. Big D on Amazon

In My Own Words: Just an ole country boy, raised in small town Alabama, born to parents who loved--and cared--about me...went to Auburn University in 1965, earned a degree in Journalism, and worked for the University 36 years before retiring in 2006. .

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